We’ve put together some commonly used forms and links to helpful websites so you can stop spending time searching online and get back to business as usual.
New Employee Forms
If you are hiring a new employee, make sure you have them fill out the proper paperwork.
The W4 form is used to determine employees’ federal income tax withholding.
Employees must also fill out an I9 form at the time of hire for the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
Subcontractor Forms
Send your sub contractors a form W-9 to assist in 1099 preparation.
Helpful Links
Looking for your tax refund? Click here to check the status of your federal refund and here to check the status of your New York State refund.
Cleaning out your file cabinet? Check this record retention guide to make sure you don’t get rid of anything you might need at a later date.
If you made a late sales, withholding, or other tax payment to New York State, click here to calculate your penalty and interest.